Yes, you can sue someone if someone else is to blame for your traumatic brain injury (TBI). You must show how their negligence or wrongdoing caused your injury. You could be reimbursed for your damages if you were hurt because of someone else’s actions or negligence. Any type of brain injury can be hard to deal with, severe, and life-altering. Recovery can be expensive and may take a long time. Your first action would be to contact a Columbus personal injury lawyer.
When you look for legal representation, try to find a traumatic brain injury attorney. An attorney who handles TBI claims regularly will have the knowledge needed to understand the unique challenges of your situation and develop a legal strategy while representing you and looking out for your interests.
Filing an Injury Lawsuit Can Help Ease Long-Term TBI Medical Expenses
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), if you have a TBI, you could face lifelong health issues. Much depends on the severity of your head injury. A person diagnosed with a mild TBI could recover in a short time, but someone with a more moderate-to-severe injury could need treatment and services for a long time.
Filing a personal injury suit against someone who caused a TBI injury is about making one whole. If someone else is responsible for your devastating head injury, you should not also have to bear the added expense and damages to pay for your recovery. You can hold a person or insurance company accountable when you file a claim. Your claim could protect you from further economic damages.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) passionately works to fund research to understand traumatic brain injuries better. NINDS defines a TBI as an acquired brain injury resulting from an injury or sudden trauma to the brain. A person does not have to entirely lose consciousness to have suffered a TBI. The symptoms a person could experience from a TBI vary and can depend on the severity of their injury.
Common TBI Symptoms
Here are common symptoms TBI patients can experience:
- Confusion
- Lightheadedness
- Blurred vision
- Ringing in the ears
- Fatigue
- Change in sleep patterns
- Mood changes
- Headache that is continuous or gets worse
- Slurred speech
- Dilation of one or both pupils
- Vomiting or nausea
- Convulsions or seizures
- Inability to wake from sleep
- Agitation
Get Medical Treatment As Soon As Possible
Do not ignore a traumatic brain injury. If you suspect you or someone you love may have a TBI or concussion, please seek a medical evaluation immediately. NINDS recommends getting treatment as soon as you think you have an injury. The reasoning is that while any initial damage to the brain may not be repairable or treatable, doctors can help reduce further damage.
Traumatic Brain Injuries Can Be Fatal
TBIs can also be fatal. According to the CDC, nearly 176 people in the U.S. die from TBIs every day. In 2020, more than 64,000 TBI-related deaths occurred, it reports. Reducing any damage from your injury can help in your recovery.
A Traumatic Brain Injury Can Cause Long-Term Disability
Getting quick treatment may help reduce further injury and could be essential to continue living a long, productive, and happy life. The CDC warns that TBIs can experience long-term health problems and disability. Anyone at any age can suffer a terrible head injury that can cause a TBI. The statistics gathered about TBI injuries indicate that there are four primary causes of most TBI injuries.
- Falls
- Attempted suicide with a firearm
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Assaults
CDC studies indicate that some groups are more at risk for being impacted long-term by TBI health issues. While statistics show these groups are at greater risk, it may be that these groups have a higher likelihood of not getting the healthcare they need.
Groups Most Likely to Have Long-Term TBI Health Issues
- Military service members
- Ethnic minorities
- Veterans
- Individuals who are homeless
- Offenders in correctional or detention facilities
- Domestic violence survivors
- Those who live in rural areas
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
Where Can I Find A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer in Ohio?
If you have a traumatic brain injury that another person’s negligence causes, give us a call at the Fitch Law Firm LLC. Our office offers a complimentary review of your claim. This initial consultation is free. When we talk with you, we can help you understand your legal options and possible next steps. If your injuries are severe, call us, and we can arrange to come to you.
If you have suffered a TBI, you don’t have to face recovery alone. Our attorneys and others on your staff can investigate your claim, gather evidence to prove your case against the negligent party, and help negotiate your settlement. Let us help you get the total compensation you need to cover your medical expenses and pain. Call today.