January 2016 saw pathological gambling added to the possible side effects for the drug Abilify (aripiprazole), which is an antipsychotic drug prescribed to treat patients with a variety of mental health disorders. May 2016 has seen an additional warning from the FDA centered around Abilify and other drugs containing aripiprazole. In addition to the compulsivity that contributed to pathological gambling being added to the drug warning labels earlier this year, users are now being alerted that other impulse-control behaviors which include binge eating, shopping, and sexual actions have been found to affect patients on a treatment regimen which includes the drug. These three additional compulsive behaviors are now being added to the warning label.
Ranking second highest in pharmaceutical sales in the U.S., Abilify is prescribed to over 8 million patients annually. With such sizable numbers in both revenue and patient prescriptions, the fallout from users succumbing to these life-changing tendencies could affect many patients across the U.S. The emotional, financial, and professional ramifications of any and all of the impulse-control issues that may occur while taking Abilify add a whole new set of obstacles to those already seeking treatment for the challenges incurred while battling mental health issues. Treating one disorder should not be compromised by the unwanted acquisition of another. The long-term effects of any of the possible compulsive side effects can create new and insurmountable burdens for patients to overcome.

These new findings are especially concerning for those who are predisposed to impulse-control disorders. For patients with personal or family histories that include obsessive-compulsive disorder, impulse-control disorder, bipolar disorder, impulsive personality, alcoholism, drug abuse, and/or any other addictive behaviors, there is an increased risk of developing impulse-control problems. Unless health care providers and patients work closely together to monitor the possible appearance of these tendencies, problems arising from compulsive behaviors may result. When patients taking Abilify or other drugs containing aripiprazole showed signs of compulsivity with gambling, shopping, eating, and/or sexual tendencies, the impulsive behaviors ceased after discontinuing usage of the drug.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
If you or someone you love has been affected by any of the impulse-control behaviors associated with Abilify usage, the Fitch Law Firm is here to navigate the proper legal channels on your behalf. No treatment option should alleviate one disorder while developing another that compromises a patient’s lifestyle, finances, and relationships. Call (855) 529-6446 and take the first step to getting your life back on track.