Liberty Mutual provides automobile insurance and property, casualty, and commercial automobile insurance. The wealth of products certainly makes Liberty Mutual a common insurance carrier in Ohio, but people need to be cautious when filing a claim.
Insurance companies like Liberty Mutual must handle all claims appropriately. You may want to reach out to an attorney to ensure your claim is handled properly.
Possible Damages You Could Recover By Filing a Liberty Mutual Claim
When filing an insurance claim after an accident, most accident victims face the opportunity to recover a settlement that covers their medical bills and vehicle repair. The additional losses the settlement covers could depend on the policy coverages and Ohio law.
Ensure that you consider your future medical care when filing your claim. Your injury could affect your life for months or years, depending on the severity. Your lawyer might file a lawsuit on your behalf for fairer financial recovery.
This could allow you to recover compensation that covers different losses, like pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and lost wages. Generally, you will have to file this lawsuit within two years of the accident. Ohio Revised Code Section 2305.10 imposes this statute of limitations, and it could affect your case.

How Liberty Mutual Handles Insurance Claims
Insurers will usually begin their own investigation into a crash as soon as a claim is filed, and its investigation can last a significant amount of time. Regardless of what an investigation uncovers, Liberty Mutual may look for a reason to deny a claim. It might have its adjusters do the following:
- Ask for recorded statements to secure admission of fault
- Request unrelated medical records
- Demand an independent medical exam
- Challenge the nature of injuries and treatment
- Pressure you to accept unfair settlements
Take care with any settlement offer you receive. An initial offer might be less than what you are entitled to. You cannot obtain more compensation once you accept an offer.
What Happens After a Car Accident in Ohio
After an accident, you should call emergency services once you’ve checked on all involved parties. You may require an ambulance or just the police to file a report. You should:
- Move your vehicle out of danger
- Take pictures of the accident scene
- Listen to what the other party says about the accident
- Note any traffic cameras that could have caught the accident
- Exchange insurance and contact information with the other party
- Take down names and contact information from witnesses
You should seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you didn’t need immediate medical attention, you should visit your doctor or urgent care. This creates a record of your injuries and ensures you are treated for any accident caused.
You should then give the evidence you acquired to your lawyer. They can use this to support your claim. Stay off social media and do not discuss your accident in-depth with family and friends. You do not want the adjuster to take your words out of context and reduce your settlement amount.
Comparative Negligence Could Affect How Much Damages You Recover
A driver’s negligence may lead to reduced compensation. If you are offered $100,000 but are found to have been 40 percent responsible, you will see your award reduced by $40,000 and only receive $60,000.
People more than 50 percent responsible are prohibited from recovering any damages at all. This doctrine presents an opportunity for your adjuster to argue that you are more responsible for the accident than you are. They may claim that you only suffered an injury because you weren’t wearing your seatbelt, instead of blaming the speeding vehicle that hit yours.
Your attorney can present your evidence to support your claim to ensure you receive a fair settlement.
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
The Fitch Law Firm LLC Can Handle Your Liberty Mutual Insurance Claim
Before filing any insurance claim on your own, consider hiring an attorney. You will benefit from seeking a free consultation with our team. We can listen to your story, and our lawyer will help you recover the appropriate damages from the negligent party.
Call The Fitch Law Firm LLC today to get started.