Common tips for safe driving when sharing the road with large trucks include staying out of blind spots and keeping a safe following distance. Other tips could consist of passing large trucks on the left and avoiding cutting them off.
Even when you practice safe driving, large truck collisions can occur. Our truck accident lawyer can help you seek compensation if you were injured in an accident with a large truck. You may be able to recover the cost of your medical bills and damage to your vehicle.
4 Tips To Drive Safer Around Large Trucks
Truck drivers and other motorists have the duty to drive in a safe manner while on the roads. However, even if you drive safely, you can’t ensure the truck driver will. To increase your chances of staying safe, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), recommends you follow safe driving tips. Following these steps can help you stay safer and avoid truck accidents on the roads:
Stay Out of Blind Spots
Many vehicles on the road have blind spots the driver must check before turning or changing lanes. On a truck, these blind spots are much bigger and are located on the front, back, and sides of the vehicle. The best way to determine if you are in a truck driver’s blind spot is to look at your mirror and see if you can see them. If you can see the driver, they can likely see you.
Driving in their blind spot at some point is inevitable when you’re passing a truck. Just ensure you try to stay in the blind spot for as little time as possible.
Keep a Safe Following Distance
If you’re directly behind a large truck, that puts you in their blind spot. It also prevents you from seeing what is up ahead. If the truck stops suddenly, you could run into the back of the truck. Since trucks are higher off the ground than most vehicles, it could cause you to slide underneath.
Sliding underneath a truck can cause devastating injuries. This is why it’s important to keep a safe following distance with trucks to avoid running into the back of one if they stop suddenly.
Pass Large Trucks on the Left
Large trucks have blind spots all over their vehicle, especially on the right side. Therefore, when it’s necessary to pass a truck, you should pass them on the left. This can ensure you stay inside their blind spot for as little time as possible.
If you are passing a truck, make sure to use the proper signals on your car. You should always let the truck driver and other road users when you intend to move lanes.
Avoid Cutting Off Trucks
Large trucks have a longer stopping distance than a typical vehicle. Therefore, if a driver cuts them off, it is harder for them to stop quickly to avoid hitting them. They also have blind spots in front of their vehicle.
When switching lanes in front of a truck, make sure you have a large distance between you and the truck so they can see you.
Why Are Large Trucks More Dangerous Than a Typical Car?
Because of their large size, trucks can cause more severe damage than a typical motor vehicle. This is why it’s so important to drive cautiously around them. Reasons large trucks are more dangerous than a car include:
- Blind spots: The truck driver’s vision is limited because of the blind spots surrounding their vehicle. You must be aware of blind spots, so you know to avoid staying in them for a long time.
- Longer stopping distance: If a large truck needs to make a sudden stop, they require a larger stopping distance.
- Wider turns: Large trucks often need to take up an additional traffic lane when making turns. When passing a truck, it’s essential to look if they’re preparing to change lanes to avoid getting hit.
- Increased risk of driving while fatigued: Truckers work long hours, which could cause them to drive while tired. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) compares fatigued driving to driving while impaired. It can cause the truck driver to have a lowered reaction time or fall asleep behind the wheel.
The extra dangers large trucks present make it important to follow safe driving tips. It could help you avoid a catastrophic accident.
Contact Our Firm for More Information About Large Truck Accidents
At The Fitch Law Firm LLC, we can represent you after you’ve sustained an injury in a truck accident. Truck accidents can cause significant injuries that could impact you for the rest of your life. Thankfully, there are ways to recoup the money you lost because of the accident.
Contact our firm today for a free consultation. During the consultation, you can learn about your legal options and how our attorneys can help you. We can also answer your questions and provide information to prepare you for the legal process.