No words can adequately express what losing a loved one means for a family. If a negligent driver caused your loved one’s fatal motorcycle accident in Dayton, our lawyers can seek justice and compensation that can help your family cope.
The Fitch Law Firm LLC can advocate for your lost loved one and for your family, finding ways to communicate what this accident has cost you and developing a strategy for damages. Call us today to learn more about how our Dayton motorcycle accident attorneys can help.
Our Ohio Motorcycle Crash Attorneys Can Help Your Family Seek Justice
Your loved one deserves to have their story told. Our Dayton personal injury lawyers and support staff have spent decades representing cases like this. We have received substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients, with our work highlighted by media outlets and recognized by our peers. When you entrust us with your loved one’s case, you can feel assured that we’ll tell their story.
Take Advantage of Our Free Consultation
Talking to our lawyers feels like talking to a friend. When you reach out to us for a consultation, we use the time to listen to your concerns and discuss ways we can help.
There is no charge to consult our team. In fact, there is no upfront charge to work with us. We have a no-win, no-fee policy, meaning our payment is contingent on our success. If we can’t get you a result, you don’t have to pay.
Take Advantage of Our Flexibility
We know that some clients have difficulty getting to our office. You’ve got a lot on your mind and on your schedule right now. If you need us to travel to you, let us know, and we’ll be there.
For a free legal consultation with a Dayton fatal motorcycle accident lawyer
Our Dayton Fatal Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Investigate and Gather Evidence of Negligence
Because your loved one can’t guide us through what happened, our Dayton wrongful death lawyers can build a case by gathering as much information as possible.
- We talk to the authorities – We obtain police reports about the accident, giving us information about the location and road conditions and providing us with contact info for involved parties and eyewitnesses.
- We review the evidence – Our lawyers examine the debris, photos, and physical evidence, sometimes enlisting the help of an expert who can provide a more detailed analysis.
- We track down who was there – Eyewitnesses can provide us with a new perspective on the accident as well as additional photos and videos they may have taken.
- We analyze medical records – Information on attempted treatment for your loved one can highlight the severity of the crash and even provide us with insight into how it happened.
- We go over what happened – We reconstruct the crash using the evidence we’ve gathered, determining what went wrong and when.
- We trace back negligence – Armed with evidence, we can identify whose mistakes caused your loved one’s crash.
While you grieve your loved one in peace, our legal team can handle every aspect of your insurance claim or lawsuit.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
Potential Damages for a Fatal Motorcycle Accident
Though no amount of compensation can truly make up for your loss, your family doesn’t deserve to struggle financially in their absence. Our Dayton fatal motorcycle accident attorneys can seek the following damages.
Their Medical Care
You may have lost your family member after attempts to save their life. This could leave your family with expensive medical bills for ambulance rides, ER treatment, hospitalizations, and surgeries.
Our Dayton personal injury lawyers can seek awards for any accident-related medical care your loved one received.
Their Lost Income
If your loved one worked to provide for your family, either as the sole wage earner or as a contributor, you will no longer have access to that income now that they’re gone. We can seek awards for this lost income.
Their Memorial
Our attorneys can also assist you in seeking damages for funeral expenses and cremation or burial services. You deserve to properly honor the memory of your loved one.
Their Significance
Non-economic damages are available to recognize both the pain and suffering your family member experienced prior to their passing and the pain and suffering you have experienced now that they’re gone. We can seek awards for this loss.
Who Is Liable When a Dayton Motorcycle Accident is Fatal?
Who is at fault in motorcycle accidents depends on what caused the crash. Our firm considers any of the following options:
- Passenger vehicle and truck drivers who were driving drunk, texting while driving, failing to yield, making illegal turns, speeding, or acting in other negligent ways
- Other motorcyclists who drive recklessly, don’t have adequate training or experience or engage in negligent behavior
- Trucking and cargo companies who are responsible for their employees or cargo and fail to take necessary precautions
- Product manufacturers that make mistakes when designing, producing, installing, or selling a product, including helmets, bike parts, and car parts
Because there are several options, and because the statute of limitations for wrongful death is typically two years according to Ohio Revised Code Section 2125.02, get started on your case now. We can sort through these possible liable parties to identify which ones caused your loved one’s accident.
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
The Fitch Law Firm LLC Can Start on Your Fatal Motorcycle Accident Case Now
All you have to do is ask for help. Contact our firm today for a free consultation about your Dayton fatal motorcycle accident case. Our lawyers can do all the talking, tell your loved one’s story, and speak up for what your family deserves in damages.
Call us today, and we can get started on your case immediately.