If you or someone you love was injured by a surgical error, our Marion personal injury lawyers can help you determine your next steps. We will explain Ohio law, your rights as an injured patient, and the at-fault party’s legal and financial responsibilities. We will examine your case at no cost and listen to your version of events. At The Fitch Law Firm LLC, we give every injured client individualized attention to detail.
Our Marion surgical errors lawyer does more than merely examine evidence and documents. We want to hear about the effects of a surgical mistake on your life directly from you before we consult medical and surgical experts to substantiate your allegations. We will document your case and its financial toll and pursue compensation from one or more negligent parties and their insurance providers.
Types of Surgical Errors in Marion, OH
A surgical error can change your physical ability and could even leave you with disfiguring injuries that alter your appearance. Our surgical errors attorney will represent you if you or a loved one experienced any of the following surgical mistakes:
- Accidental damage to healthy organs
- Anesthesia-related errors
- Improper post-surgery patient care or monitoring
- Insufficient patient monitoring pre- and post-surgery
- Misidentified surgical specimens
- Misunderstood or misinterpreted patient information
- Surgical instruments being left behind
- Unsanitary operating rooms leading to infection
- Wrong-site or wrong-patient surgery
Once we identify the medical error, we will prove the negligence that led to it. That means proving the at-fault party owed you a duty of care to meet the acceptable medical standard and failed to do so. We will also work to prove the injury would not have occurred without your medical professional’s negligence.
How Our Surgical Errors Attorney Obtains the Required Affidavit of Merit
Your surgical errors case requires the submission of an Affidavit of Merit—certification by a qualified specialist about the merits of your case. This document is required by Ohio Revised Code Section 2323.451, and one must be obtained for each individual healthcare provider or facility named in your case.
The affidavit must:
- Describe the standard of care that was warranted in your case
- Describe the digression from that standard in your surgery
- Attest that the stated digression led to your surgical error
On your own, it can be hard to obtain. Our personal injury attorneys will identify and consult with a surgical expert who meets the state’s requirements and obtain the required forms.
Victims of Surgical Errors in Marion Are Entitled to Financial Compensation
Recovering from a surgical error can involve a lot of follow-up and corrective medical care. The at-fault party can be compelled to cover these costs. We will also request compensation for:
- The income you lose to undergo additional surgeries and procedures and your recovery time
- Your physical pain and suffering, inconvenience, and discomfort of the procedures and recovery process
- The mental and emotional pain and suffering you endure
It can be hard to gather all the financial records that support your current and future medical care. It can be even more difficult to determine and document your intangible damages. Let us handle it for you. Focus on your recovery. Our law firm will focus on your case.
Wrongful Death Compensation for Fatal Surgical Errors
The loss of a loved one due to a mistake during surgery could entitle you to a range of damages. Our wrongful death lawyers will advocate for your family in the pursuit of the following compensation:
- Loss of consortium and companionship
- Loss of financial support and benefits
- Loss of household and domestic services
- Funeral, burial, and cremation expenses
We will explain the steps involved in filing a wrongful death action in Ohio and who can do so. In general, the decedent’s parents, spouse, children, and other relatives who relied on them for financial support can recover these damages.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
The Advantages of Hiring Our Marion Surgical Errors Lawyer
When our team at The Fitch Law Firm LLC represents you, bring decades of experience handling personal injury recovery to your case. We handle all communication on your behalf and take all of the following steps to bolster your case:
- Consult medical and surgical experts
- Work with economists and financial planners
- Compile evidence
- Complete and submit all required paperwork
- Clarify complex legal terminology and jargon
- Address your legal questions and concerns
- Provide ongoing updates on your case
- Negotiate a favorable monetary settlement
Our team of medical malpractice attorneys and staff is compassionate, aggressive, and responsive. We respect your time and need to recuperate, so we are available 24/7 and will travel to you.
How Our Legal Team Can Prove Medical Negligence
Like any other type of personal injury case, our legal team will work to show that the medical professional who treated you failed to afford you a duty of care. In medical malpractice cases, this means showing that they did not treat you with the standard of care. Specifically, we will gather evidence to show that another reasonable doctor would have treated you differently, preventing your injuries.
We can work to illustrate that:
- A doctor-patient relationship existed.
- The doctor failed to use the standard of care when treating you.
- The breach caused your injuries or ailments.
- Your injuries resulted in financial losses.
We can handle your entire case while you rest and focus on your health.
Potentially Liable Parties in Marion Surgical Errors Cases
An operating room is packed with medical personnel, which can make it hard to know who is responsible for the error in your surgery. Our law firm’s handling of your case includes investigating your surgery alongside medical experts who can identify the responsible party.
Potentially liable persons and entities include:
- The surgeon and surgical staff
- Surgical nurses and anesthetists
- Hospital and surgical center administrators
- Laboratories and lab technicians
This list is in no way exhaustive because others who handled, mishandled, or misinterpreted patient history, test results, or other data could also bear liability. We will investigate every part of your surgery prep, surgery, and post-procedure care to identify all potential negligence.
The Fitch Law Firm LLC’s No Win, No Fee Policy for Surgical Errors Clients
It costs nothing upfront and nothing out of your own pocket to hire our results-driven law firm. We will cover the costs of building your case, including:
- Document fees
- Court costs
- Investigation
- Expert consultations
Even our fee is contingent on your financial recovery, meaning you will owe us nothing if we cannot obtain compensation for you.
Get Your No-Cost Surgical Errors Case Consultation Today
If you or a loved one was injured by a surgical mistake, our Marion surgical errors lawyer will request favorable financial compensation for you. Find out how hard The Fitch Law Firm LLC will go to bat for you by contacting our consultation team today.