If a healthcare provider injured you or someone you love, our medical malpractice team can help you seek monetary damages. We build strong cases for compensation that meet Ohio’s legal requirements for medical malpractice and negotiate for favorable financial settlements. Our goal is to help you achieve a favorable result in your medical malpractice claim and avoid a prolonged court case.
The team at The Fitch Law Firm LLC can compile evidence of the medical error that led to your current condition and prove the negligence that entitles you to fair compensation.
When our Springfield personal injury lawyer helps you pursue damages from a healthcare provider, we seek to recover economic and non-economic damages for your physical and emotional pain and suffering. Our team will explain this process with you during a free consultation of the case. Call us today to get started.
Put Our Legal Team to Work Building Your Case for Compensation
Attorney John Fitch has been helping injury victims with their personal injury cases for over 30 years. He and the attorneys at The Fitch Law Firm LLC provide compassionate support and legal guidance to those in need. Available 24/7, they will even travel to their clients and meet them in the hospital or at home if they cannot come to one of their four locations.
Your case can benefit from working with our medical malpractice attorney if you or someone you love was the victim of any of the following medical errors in Springfield:
- Misdiagnosis
- Missed diagnosis
- Medication error
- Surgical error
- Anesthesia errors
- Birth injuries
- Failure to provide informed consent
When The Fitch Law Firm LLC team goes to bat for you, our personal injury attorneys will:
- Examine your medical records: We will collect all records of your medical treatment and analyze what was done during your healthcare.
- Contact medical experts: We employ doctors and healthcare professionals to substantiate your allegations of failing to provide certain standards of care.
- Interview witnesses: We will collect statements from those who witnessed what occurred to you and, if necessary, others who have similar stories.
- Identify the at–fault party: Through our investigation, we will identify who was responsible for causing you harm.
- Handle all case–related communications: We will speak on your behalf to the insurance companies, their attorneys, and the defendants. This includes the timely submission of insurance claims, court forms, and ancillary documents.
- Build a comprehensive case file: We will develop a case with evidence that will address the cause, fault, and liability.
- Compile a list of all damages: In addition, we will gather evidence of all the economic and non-economic losses to your case.
- Negotiate with the at–fault party’s insurer: Communicating on your behalf includes working to achieve a fair settlement offer from the defendant’s insurance company.
While you focus on your injuries, prognosis, and recovery, we take care of building your case. Our team members will compile, organize, and submit evidence of the legal components of malpractice. We also present your evidence to the at-fault party’s legal and insurance representatives during settlement negotiations.
Medical Malpractice Awards
When our team seeks a financial recovery, our goal is to settle your case outside the courtroom for the best possible outcome. For example, when we went to work for these clients, we obtained financial compensation in the following amounts:
- $2,650,000 recovery for an infant who suffered a neurological injury at birth due to improper care of the mother
- $1,550,000 recovery for the surviving family of a 40-year-old man who did not receive a timely diagnosis of a rare form of cancer
- $2,200,000 recovery for a man who suffered severe and permanent complications after a failed surgery
Our personal injury team never stops fighting for the compensation you deserve due to negligence. We work as hard on your case as we have for every previous client. We assign a carefully calculated value to your case and use that figure to drive settlement negotiations.
Our Firm Represents Clients Seeking Medical Malpractice Damages
Upon examining the damages you have experienced, our team will assign a financial value to your injuries, recovery, and future prognosis. When we represent clients injured in Springfield, Ohio Revised Code §2315.18 defines the types of recoverable damages you can seek from the at-fault party. Your recoverable damages may include:
- Current and future medical bills
- Current and future salary loss
- Required rehabilitation and therapy
- Physical pain and suffering
- Physical disfigurement
- Mental and emotional anguish
Medical malpractice can leave you with injuries that cause temporary and permanent changes to your physical appearance and abilities. It can also force changes in your life and lifestyle. When that happens, our team helps you hold the at-fault party financially responsible for your injuries and financial recovery.
You do not have to calculate the monetary value of your medical malpractice case on your own. Our case assessment team will help you compile the bills and receipts to prove the value of your tangible losses. We will also help you understand how to value intangible damages accurately.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
Proving the Elements of Medical Malpractice
Because many medical procedures can come with inherent risks, proving medical malpractice can be challenging. Aside from an obvious medical mishap or mistake, it can be hard to know if medical malpractice led to your current condition or to that of a loved one. To establish that your injuries or illness is the result of faulty care by a medical professional, we help you prove that:
- Duty of care: The healthcare provider was responsible for your care.
- Breach of duty: They acted or failed to act as another healthcare professional would have under the same circumstances.
- Causation: You suffered further injury or illness because of this faulty care.
- Damages: You experienced recoverable damages as a result.
Medical malpractice lawsuits in Ohio also require the inclusion of an Affidavit of Merit. This document is a critical part of your case because it affirms the at-fault party’s negligence.
According to Ohio Revised Code §2323.451, this affidavit should attest to the legitimacy of your case and confirm the at-fault party’s failure to meet the required standard of care.
Identifying the At-Fault Medical Professional
Your medical malpractice allegation does not have to stem from physician-led medical care. If you believe you have been injured by flawed, faulty, or otherwise deficient medical care or equipment, our team can help you prove your right to compensation from those responsible. The negligent party in your case may have been a:
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Optometrist
- Chiropractor
- Nurse
- Pharmacist
- Hospital or medical facility
When multiple people bear responsibility for your treatment injuries, it can be hard to know where to assign financial liability. You do not have to navigate the complex legal process of pursuing medical malpractice compensation on your own.
Our team will help you determine the validity of the case, identify the at-fault party, and build a claim against all responsible parties.
Contact One of Our Team Members for a Free Consultation
If a negligent medical error harmed you or someone you love in Springfield, our medical malpractice lawyer can help you achieve financial compensation. Our team members will examine the details of your case, determine the cause of your injuries, and define their life-changing impact on you and your family.
Get a free consultation of your case with one of our team members at The Fitch Law Firm LLC by calling us today.